Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Study Abroad Sneak Peek: Chile
Santiaguenses also love their slang, and I have picked up so many 'Chilenismos' while being here. Almost a completely different Spanish language, Chileans love to throw in the words 'cachai' (do you understand?) and 'po' (our version of 'like') just because they can. I never get tired of hearing Chilean Spanish; as grammatically incorrect as it is, it sounds so beautiful and rolls so easily off of the tongue. Becoming practically fluent in Chilean Spanish has been an accomplishment for me, though there are definitely still times I stare blankly at my friends hoping they will repeat the slur of syllables I barely understood (did he say Pisco or is that just wishful thinking?).
In all honesty, though, I feel so lucky every day to be a part of this study abroad program. Not only do I have the opportunity to work with the Ministry of Justice's Department of Human Rights, but I also have the opportunity to travel - and the geographical diversity of this country makes all of that traveling so worthwhile! They say that Santiago is a first world city in a third world country, and the amount that I have learned through my classes and through the people I have met in my travels have really opened my eyes to the contrasts between Santiago and many other parts of the country. Santiago is a livable, lovable city. I mean, I've had the opportunity to continue teaching Bollywood classes here!
Take a step out of Santiago though, and you'll definitely see the changes: multinational corporations and their factories lining the highways, luscious and never-ending patches of farmland, small houses with tin roofs, isolated country homes of the obviously wealthy. It's a different world. It seems that the single thread of continuity along the varied landscapes and structures of Chile is also it's very backbone, the backbone that I wake up to every morning: the magnificent Cordillera.
Credit for this blog post goes to third year Global Scholar Anjali Mehta. Thanks, Anjali!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Lunch With Marjane Satrapi
I was running late for class. After running up two flights of stairs with my lox and bagels in hand, I had finally made it to Professor Knight’s World Politics class for Global Scholars. It was like any ordinary Monday morning: everyone was chatty, excitedly discussing the readings, and still joking about how “metaphysical” the theory of constructivism is. The second the clock reached 10:20 AM, Professor Knight began making announcements. I was contemplating whether my lox and bagels would still be fresh after class when I heard Professor Knight say, “I know this event is happening the day before your midterm, but Marjane Satrapi is coming to speak at AU.”
I gasped. I squealed. I spun around in my chair and accidentally hit my friend sitting next to me. Professor Knight was about to explain who Marjane Satrapi was to the class, but noticing my near heart-attack when she mentioned Marjane’s name, Professor Knight allowed me to describe the life and works of my favorite author. I immediately began discussing how Marjane’s first book, Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, impacted me as a daughter of a political refugee, the beauty of the story behind Chicken and Plums, etc. After my long-winded description of Marjane Satrapi, Professor Knight announced that we would have to submit in writing why we would want to meet and have lunch with Marjane Satrapi.
Right after class, I ran back to my room, turned on my laptop, and wrote a five paragraph essay in thirty minutes describing why I wanted to have the honor to meet and have lunch with Marjane Satrapi. Six days later, I was notified that I was chosen to attend Marjane Satrapi’s speaking engagement and attend lunch with her. I was over the moon. I began to look up other interviews she had done so I wouldn’t bore her with the same mundane questions.
It was a foggy, disgustingly humid morning when she came to speak at American University. Obviously, this didn’t affect my mood. I walked, practically skipped, to the front row of the auditorium in Ward Circle Building where she was speaking. At approximately 10:30, Marjane Satrapi walked in. She surprisingly resembled the drawings of herself in Persepolis. She dressed and behaved as the avant-garde, punk-goddess, Iranian-French artist I expected her to be.
As she spoke, her humility, reflective personal introspection, and marvelous sarcastic wit when answering the questions the moderator asked engaged both the sense of humor and political energy held by all in attendance. Her humility was evident when she discussed the success of Persepolis. She discussed how she, as an artist, found it easier to discuss the Iranian Revolution from her own perspective. During interviews, her political views came to light as she discussed how she believes in the idea of political evolution as opposed to revolution because, “... Revolutions only breed bloodshed.” Thus, she unintentionally became the voice of a generation and was first labeled as an Iranian political expert by the media. She was able to shed this role because, as she said, “I am an artist, not a politician.” Although she isn’t a politician, she could definitely be a satirist. She compared George W. Bush to Ayatollah Khomeini by stating, “In America and the Iran the mixture of religion in power never gives a good result, just look at Bush and Ayatollah Khomeini.” She also threw in a jab at the 2000 election by saying, “...Wait, that’s when he [Bush] got elected twice. Okay.” Marjane Satrapi also established herself as an ally of the oppressed. You would probably assume by this sentiment that she is a feminist, especially when she referenced her friends wearing mini-skirts as a sign of a sexual revolution. This would be a false assumption. She is a self-proclaimed humanist. Her denial of calling herself a feminist was shocking to most of the audience and some wrote her off as a hypocrite. However, she still stated she was against the patriarchal establishment. What I found particularly interesting was her tying of the patriarchal establishment to the schema of dictatorship, especially in her homeland of Iran.

Between Marjane Satrapi’s speaking engagement and lunch, there was an interlude because of a tornado warning. Eventually, we were able to have lunch with her and she began the discussion in what I thought was an interesting fashion. She asked us to introduce ourselves. This immediately established a more personable setting than the auditorium, which enabled us to ask her more personal topics. Questions ranged from discussion of her upcoming movie (which she said is an example of her inner masochist), tackling the bourgeois, her artistic inspiration, and lost love. Marjane Satrapi stated that she hated the word “graphic novel” because not only was it a term to make the bourgeois feel better about reading a simple comic book, but it also makes her think of pornography. I was glad I was able to ask her about why she decided to use the female name, Iran, to represent her male protagonist character in Chicken and Plums. Interestingly enough, she explained how the male protagonist was actually representative of herself and the loss of love between he and Iran represented her relationship with her motherland. She then, in true Marjane style, bridged this idea of loss of pleasure she derived from the loss of her homeland to how our society in general forces us to deny pleasure. As an example of this denial of pleasure, she slammed women’s magazines. She stated, “I see all of these women’s magazines that claim feminism while they tell women to lose ten pounds of belly fat. I don’t want to lose ten f******* pounds of belly fat. I want to be reminded of all of the good sandwiches I’ve eaten. Life is short and we are all going to die. We should enjoy the now.”
By now you’ve probably realized that Marjane isn’t the one to hold back. I almost forgot to mention how she stated that religion is an opiate of the masses and her criticism of George W. Bush’s attempts to secure oil reserves under the guise of bringing “democracy” to the Middle East. One topic she wouldn’t touch upon was the story of her first love she met in Austria. When the topic was brought up, her feisty attitude was tempered by slight melancholy. The only thing she said about the matter was, “Human beings are not equal in front of death. A rich man can hire nurses to take care of him and massage him, but what about a poor man? He has nothing. We are only equal in front of a broken heart. No amount of money can fix that.”
The experience that the Global Scholars program provided me to meet and have a conversation with a rebellious intellectual that encapsulates the spirit of American University and a woman I would consider one of my inspirations, Marjane Satrapi. She enhanced my understanding of the obvious difficulties of Iran’s establishment of a stable governmental system post-revolution, indulged my desire to comprehend this political climate from an artist’s perspective.
Credit for this blog post goes to 1st year Global Scholar Mary Marston! Thanks, Mary!
I gasped. I squealed. I spun around in my chair and accidentally hit my friend sitting next to me. Professor Knight was about to explain who Marjane Satrapi was to the class, but noticing my near heart-attack when she mentioned Marjane’s name, Professor Knight allowed me to describe the life and works of my favorite author. I immediately began discussing how Marjane’s first book, Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, impacted me as a daughter of a political refugee, the beauty of the story behind Chicken and Plums, etc. After my long-winded description of Marjane Satrapi, Professor Knight announced that we would have to submit in writing why we would want to meet and have lunch with Marjane Satrapi.
Right after class, I ran back to my room, turned on my laptop, and wrote a five paragraph essay in thirty minutes describing why I wanted to have the honor to meet and have lunch with Marjane Satrapi. Six days later, I was notified that I was chosen to attend Marjane Satrapi’s speaking engagement and attend lunch with her. I was over the moon. I began to look up other interviews she had done so I wouldn’t bore her with the same mundane questions.
It was a foggy, disgustingly humid morning when she came to speak at American University. Obviously, this didn’t affect my mood. I walked, practically skipped, to the front row of the auditorium in Ward Circle Building where she was speaking. At approximately 10:30, Marjane Satrapi walked in. She surprisingly resembled the drawings of herself in Persepolis. She dressed and behaved as the avant-garde, punk-goddess, Iranian-French artist I expected her to be.
As she spoke, her humility, reflective personal introspection, and marvelous sarcastic wit when answering the questions the moderator asked engaged both the sense of humor and political energy held by all in attendance. Her humility was evident when she discussed the success of Persepolis. She discussed how she, as an artist, found it easier to discuss the Iranian Revolution from her own perspective. During interviews, her political views came to light as she discussed how she believes in the idea of political evolution as opposed to revolution because, “... Revolutions only breed bloodshed.” Thus, she unintentionally became the voice of a generation and was first labeled as an Iranian political expert by the media. She was able to shed this role because, as she said, “I am an artist, not a politician.” Although she isn’t a politician, she could definitely be a satirist. She compared George W. Bush to Ayatollah Khomeini by stating, “In America and the Iran the mixture of religion in power never gives a good result, just look at Bush and Ayatollah Khomeini.” She also threw in a jab at the 2000 election by saying, “...Wait, that’s when he [Bush] got elected twice. Okay.” Marjane Satrapi also established herself as an ally of the oppressed. You would probably assume by this sentiment that she is a feminist, especially when she referenced her friends wearing mini-skirts as a sign of a sexual revolution. This would be a false assumption. She is a self-proclaimed humanist. Her denial of calling herself a feminist was shocking to most of the audience and some wrote her off as a hypocrite. However, she still stated she was against the patriarchal establishment. What I found particularly interesting was her tying of the patriarchal establishment to the schema of dictatorship, especially in her homeland of Iran.

Between Marjane Satrapi’s speaking engagement and lunch, there was an interlude because of a tornado warning. Eventually, we were able to have lunch with her and she began the discussion in what I thought was an interesting fashion. She asked us to introduce ourselves. This immediately established a more personable setting than the auditorium, which enabled us to ask her more personal topics. Questions ranged from discussion of her upcoming movie (which she said is an example of her inner masochist), tackling the bourgeois, her artistic inspiration, and lost love. Marjane Satrapi stated that she hated the word “graphic novel” because not only was it a term to make the bourgeois feel better about reading a simple comic book, but it also makes her think of pornography. I was glad I was able to ask her about why she decided to use the female name, Iran, to represent her male protagonist character in Chicken and Plums. Interestingly enough, she explained how the male protagonist was actually representative of herself and the loss of love between he and Iran represented her relationship with her motherland. She then, in true Marjane style, bridged this idea of loss of pleasure she derived from the loss of her homeland to how our society in general forces us to deny pleasure. As an example of this denial of pleasure, she slammed women’s magazines. She stated, “I see all of these women’s magazines that claim feminism while they tell women to lose ten pounds of belly fat. I don’t want to lose ten f******* pounds of belly fat. I want to be reminded of all of the good sandwiches I’ve eaten. Life is short and we are all going to die. We should enjoy the now.”
By now you’ve probably realized that Marjane isn’t the one to hold back. I almost forgot to mention how she stated that religion is an opiate of the masses and her criticism of George W. Bush’s attempts to secure oil reserves under the guise of bringing “democracy” to the Middle East. One topic she wouldn’t touch upon was the story of her first love she met in Austria. When the topic was brought up, her feisty attitude was tempered by slight melancholy. The only thing she said about the matter was, “Human beings are not equal in front of death. A rich man can hire nurses to take care of him and massage him, but what about a poor man? He has nothing. We are only equal in front of a broken heart. No amount of money can fix that.”
The experience that the Global Scholars program provided me to meet and have a conversation with a rebellious intellectual that encapsulates the spirit of American University and a woman I would consider one of my inspirations, Marjane Satrapi. She enhanced my understanding of the obvious difficulties of Iran’s establishment of a stable governmental system post-revolution, indulged my desire to comprehend this political climate from an artist’s perspective.
Credit for this blog post goes to 1st year Global Scholar Mary Marston! Thanks, Mary!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Study Abroad Sneak Peek: Belgium
I have always loved fall.
But autumn in Belgium in an entirely different season than the fall I’ve
adored in Los Angeles. For one thing,
the season actually begins close to the calendar’s “First Day of Autumn”. I’m not joking—the day before that first day,
it was sunny and too warm to wear tights and sweaters but literally overnight
fall set in and the gloom of clouds and drizzles made themselves very much
known. Of course, I don’t mind the clouds—the
softer lighting makes for interesting pictures—and my hot chocolate addiction
looks all the more reasonable when it’s a bit chilly outside. Long story short: I’m loving the Belgium
As this program is called the EU in
Action, it makes perfect sense to be in close contact with the institutions
that make the EU function and make Brussels more than a pretty dot on the
map. Monday ended with a trip to the
Council of the EU (note: different from the Council of Europe and the European
Council, which are of course very different from each other) to discuss the
current period of transition plaguing, I mean, that the EU is currently
enjoying. All of us geeked out a bit
when we got to sit in the Council members’ chairs and “represent” (for a half
second) an EU country. (We also had fun guessing the English names of the EU
countries based on their native names).
My time in Belgium has been awesome, and I look forward to the adventures I have here for the rest of the semester. Until then, au revoir DC!
Credit for this blog post goes to third year Global Scholar Becca Ehling. Thanks, Becca!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Back in the (Former) USSR

The architecture of the city is like no other. Much of the “Cultural Heart of Russia” looks like no other city in Russia, or Europe for that matter. It has the canals of Venice with every apartment building looking like a Viennese palace. In a single intersection, you can see a 17th century hospital in the imperial style, a dark-grey Soviet office building, and an ultra-modern apartment complex. The city has been at the center of some of the most tumultuous events in the 20th century, and yet maintains a blissful elegance. As the autumn approaches, the 22 hours of sunlight (called “white nights”) and warmth dwindles to 2 hours of daylight and bitter cold, with heavy, lead clouds that weigh on the city.
My program (CIEE) has done a wonderful job exposing us to the city and providing opportunities to make friends with Russian students. I really appreciate the efforts made by Russians and Americans to get to know one-another through broken language, facial expressions, and (hopefully inoffensive) hand gestures. The stereotype that Russian’s don’t smile in public is completely true, but I have found the majority of Russians to be very warm once you reach out to them, and always curious to hear what the American has to say about Ukraine.
It is a particularly interesting time to be in Russia. Only after living in the city for about 3 months, on and off, have I started to feel the impact of the sanctions over the crisis in the Ukraine. Watching US media coverage of the crisis and then Russian media gives two entirely different narratives: Russia and the West playing power politics, versus a civil war and humanitarian crisis in a troubled border region. There is certainly no shortage of opinions regarding Ukraine, as many people in St. Petersburg have some sort of familial connection to Ukraine.
I am very much looking forward to seeing what the coming months hold as the atmosphere of the city changes and classes become increasingly more challenging.
Credit for this blog post goes to third year Global Scholar Andrew Arrington. Thanks Andrew!
Monday, May 5, 2014
Study Abroad Sneak Peek: England

I think my favorite (favourite...?) part of my time in
England has been the fact that I've stayed out of London. To be sure,
I'll be spending a couple weeks there in a month or so, but until then,
I've simply been exploring the England that we never talk about in the
US. Towns like Salisbury, Exeter, and Plymouth are full of amazing
stories and sights but until I visited, I was only vaguely aware of
something about a steak and the Mayflower (for the record, I did not see
any Salisbury steaks in Salisbury). And don't get me started on
Cornwall, whose residents have just received an ethnic minority option
on the census!
My semester here has been a lesson in layered identities, proving that there's always more to people than meets the eye (especially when it comes to Americans stereotyping some Londoners to all Britons!). You're not just British, you're British, English, from the West Country, from Devon, and from Exeter. And you have the ridiculously specific accent to prove it.
Credit to this blog post goes to second- year Global Scholar Keegan Amrine. Thanks, Keegan!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Sarah Stroh: How to Spring Break in Africa
Senegal is a relatively stable, democratic country in western
sub-Saharan Africa. It’s actually the country that has the western-most
point on the continent, if anyone was wondering. Although it lacks some
key stereotypical qualities of an African country, like warlords,
rampant AIDS or famine, and NATO and/or UN troops, Senegal is by no
means almost at the first world level. The tap water is not safe to
drink, the electricity from time to time goes out, showers are not often
(or ever) hot, and the infrastructure is far from built.
friends and I here in Dakar decided that we wanted to go bold for
spring break - bold meaning that we would cross the entire country with
our main goal being to see Senegal's tallest waterfall, Dindefelo Falls
and go to the wildlife reserve Niokolo-Koba National Park.

Our first major stop was Kédougou, where we stayed in a cute little encampement and
played Scrabble with the old men who ran it in a language that was a
mix of French and Wolof. The next night we traveled to the Gambia River
to see some hippos, but unfortunately they were not there. Sunday and Monday
we visited some Bedik and Bassari villages, which are the main ethnic
groups in the region (you may recognize the Bedik people as the ones
that wear bones through their noses to show wealth or power). On our way
back to our camp, we visited the Peace Corps base and we were able to
discuss the Senegalese life with some volunteers! On what seemed like
the hottest day (on average about 110 degrees), we climbed Mount
Dindefelo, visited a Guinean village that resides on the plateau without
passports I might add, and saw the waterfall from above! In all, we
walked 14 kilometers in the extreme heat , but we survived !
During phase two of our spring break, we went to
Niokolo -Koba National Park. We stayed at Dar Salaam, a small village
just outside the park. Although unfortunately while in the park the
chances of seeing "big game" like lions or elephants are extremely slim,
we still saw hippos, crocodiles, warthogs, monkeys and many, many
Overall the experience was an amazing one, and
though I am happy to have returned back to the cleaner, cooler city of
Dakar, I will be able to cherish my experiences in rural Senegal
Credit for this blog post goes to second-year Global Scholar, Sarah Stroh. To read more about her time abroad in Senegal, visit her blog http://breakingbeige.wordpress.com/.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Global Scholars February Community Meeting
The theme for this month’s community meeting was professional development. 3rd year Global Scholars Bryana Banashefski, Rob Bronstein, and Emily Elliot-Meisel took charge of the program for the evening and made a presentation on how to present yourself professionally after graduation. Bryana started off the evening with a resume workshop with tips on how to perfect your resume. After a delicious interlude through a Mediterranean-themed dinner from Café Olé, we traded resumes with each other to correct the little mistakes that people often make on resumes. For example, periods! Don’t end one of your bullet points on a resume with a period and then not have a period for your next bullet point. Consistency is key; a clear and consistent resume makes a happy potential employer.

Thursday, February 6, 2014
National Collegiate Research Conference at Harvard University
Speaking of Nobel Prize winners, another
really cool aspect of the conference was the fact that it was at Harvard and
that there is a plethora of world-renowned speakers at the ready as a result. I
had the privilege to hear Nobel award winning Astrophysicists, a Vice President
of Google and an entrepreneurial expert known as “Hacker Chick” speak as
keynotes and in smaller workshops and panels. At these panels I learned how to
write grants, build a successful start-up (step one in World domination,
check!), and analyze research in the humanities from a hard science

Credit for this blog post goes to 2nd Year Global Scholar Mike Friel. Thanks, Mike!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Lunch and Conversation with John Prendergast
Credit for this blog post goes to first year Global Scholar Catalina Calachan! Thanks Catalina!
Prendergast’s accomplishments are
varied and many. It would be impossible
to talk about all of his achievements in a single post, but I will mention some
of them. Prendergast played a pivotal
role in negotiating the treaty that ended the deadliest war at the time, the
conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and participated in other peace
processes within Africa. In recent
years, he co-founded the Enough Project, a project within the Center for
American Progress dedicated to the stop of genocide and crimes against
humanity. Today, he collaborates with
people like George Clooney and Ryan Gosling to generate political will and
raise awareness of important issues pertaining to human rights and
international development. From working
at the White House during the Clinton Administration to working with the
Department of State to working with nonprofit organizations and
non-governmental organizations to working with A-list celebrities, Prendergast
has had an illustrious career thus far.
However, despite the acclamation, fame, and weekend getaways with Ryan
Gosling and Eva Mendes, Prendergast has not lost sight of his vocation; he is
energized about what he does, and humble about what he has done.
Prendergast walked into Battelle Atrium with a big smile on
his face, and the desire to get to know all of us, as he made sure to kick-off
the event with our personal introductions and a “fun fact.” My fun fact was that LeBron James threw me
his wristband at an NBA game, and when Prendergast poked fun at my favorite
basketball player, I knew that his charm and candor would make for an enjoyable
lunch. Prendergast recounted how he got
started working in the human rights field.
His story began with an impulsivity and audaciousness that reminded me
of another man who recently spoke at American, CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Prendergast and Cooper, both leaders in their
respective fields, each hopped on a plane to a foreign land armed with a spirit
of inquiry and youthful ambition; and there has proved to be great power in
their risk-taking, as those daring adventures largely influenced both of their
separate paths to success. Prendergast,
for example, reflected on his young, perhaps naïve, self, saying that he had
seen an advertisement about starving children in Africa and was deeply affected
by what he saw, so he decided to fly to the continent and see what was going on
in person. As he elaborated on his first
visit to Africa, it was easy to imagine a young Prendergast embarking on that
incredible journey, for the enthusiasm and optimism that fueled his early travels
continue to shine through today. We were
all captivated by his boldness, and pleasured with his humor and down-to-earth

Humbly determined not to talk about himself the entire time,
Prendergast was eager to engage us, and opened the floor up for our questions
after he finished speaking about his life-changing trip to Africa and the work
that he has been doing since. The
question and answer session was light-hearted, informative, and inspiring. When asked about whether or not he was scared
before getting on a plane all those years ago and flying to an unfamiliar
place, with little knowledge of what he would encounter upon arrival and not
much of a plan, Prendergast laughingly remarked on how he did not really know
what to be afraid of, so he kind of just went with curiosity. Looking back on it, he said that he probably
should have been more prepared, but he was thankful for the generosity and good
luck that helped him survive throughout his spur-of-the-moment trip. Another interesting question pertained to the
role that sports can play in international relations. Being a lover of sports, and having strict loyalties to his teams, Prendergast was entertained and intrigued by the
question, as he responded with funny anecdotes and insightful ideas. He talked about the numerous times that the
topic of sports has come up while at home and abroad, and joked at one point
about the Yankee-Red Sox division of Congress.
His stories highlighted the way in which sports can be a uniting force
that transcends national, cultural, and ideological borders, and also just a fun
diversion from work (like when he had a meeting with Obama and was scheduled to
play basketball as a break). This
question brought out Prendergast’s humor and easygoing personality, while
providing a glimpse into his diverse and influential network of colleagues. All
in all, the event was a highly inspirational experience, and one that benefited all of us.
On December 3rd, 2013, twenty
Global Scholars had the opportunity to meet with author and human rights
activist, John Prendergast, to discuss his experiences and ask him questions. I was lucky enough to have acquired a seat at
the lunch, and hope to share some of the highlights.

After the lunch, it took days to shake off the adrenaline
rush that came from meeting John Prendergast.
His passion about the plethora of issues he works on is infectious, and
it was truly uplifting to see that his excitement has not faded after all of
these years. I am sincerely grateful for
opportunities like this one, and hopeful for more of them; they are part of
what makes the Global Scholars Program so valuable.
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