Credit for this blog post goes to first year Global Scholar Catalina Calachan! Thanks Catalina!
On December 3rd, 2013, twenty
Global Scholars had the opportunity to meet with author and human rights
activist, John Prendergast, to discuss his experiences and ask him questions. I was lucky enough to have acquired a seat at
the lunch, and hope to share some of the highlights.

Prendergast’s accomplishments are
varied and many.
It would be impossible
to talk about all of his achievements in a single post, but I will mention some
of them.
Prendergast played a pivotal
role in negotiating the treaty that ended the deadliest war at the time, the
conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and participated in other peace
processes within Africa.
In recent
years, he co-founded the Enough Project, a project within the Center for
American Progress dedicated to the stop of genocide and crimes against
Today, he collaborates with
people like George Clooney and Ryan Gosling to generate political will and
raise awareness of important issues pertaining to human rights and
international development.
From working
at the White House during the Clinton Administration to working with the
Department of State to working with nonprofit organizations and
non-governmental organizations to working with A-list celebrities, Prendergast
has had an illustrious career thus far.
However, despite the acclamation, fame, and weekend getaways with Ryan
Gosling and Eva Mendes, Prendergast has not lost sight of his vocation; he is
energized about what he does, and humble about what he has done.
Prendergast walked into Battelle Atrium with a big smile on
his face, and the desire to get to know all of us, as he made sure to kick-off
the event with our personal introductions and a “fun fact.” My fun fact was that LeBron James threw me
his wristband at an NBA game, and when Prendergast poked fun at my favorite
basketball player, I knew that his charm and candor would make for an enjoyable
lunch. Prendergast recounted how he got
started working in the human rights field.
His story began with an impulsivity and audaciousness that reminded me
of another man who recently spoke at American, CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Prendergast and Cooper, both leaders in their
respective fields, each hopped on a plane to a foreign land armed with a spirit
of inquiry and youthful ambition; and there has proved to be great power in
their risk-taking, as those daring adventures largely influenced both of their
separate paths to success. Prendergast,
for example, reflected on his young, perhaps naïve, self, saying that he had
seen an advertisement about starving children in Africa and was deeply affected
by what he saw, so he decided to fly to the continent and see what was going on
in person. As he elaborated on his first
visit to Africa, it was easy to imagine a young Prendergast embarking on that
incredible journey, for the enthusiasm and optimism that fueled his early travels
continue to shine through today. We were
all captivated by his boldness, and pleasured with his humor and down-to-earth

Humbly determined not to talk about himself the entire time,
Prendergast was eager to engage us, and opened the floor up for our questions
after he finished speaking about his life-changing trip to Africa and the work
that he has been doing since. The
question and answer session was light-hearted, informative, and inspiring. When asked about whether or not he was scared
before getting on a plane all those years ago and flying to an unfamiliar
place, with little knowledge of what he would encounter upon arrival and not
much of a plan, Prendergast laughingly remarked on how he did not really know
what to be afraid of, so he kind of just went with curiosity. Looking back on it, he said that he probably
should have been more prepared, but he was thankful for the generosity and good
luck that helped him survive throughout his spur-of-the-moment trip. Another interesting question pertained to the
role that sports can play in international relations. Being a lover of sports, and having strict loyalties to his teams, Prendergast was entertained and intrigued by the
question, as he responded with funny anecdotes and insightful ideas. He talked about the numerous times that the
topic of sports has come up while at home and abroad, and joked at one point
about the Yankee-Red Sox division of Congress.
His stories highlighted the way in which sports can be a uniting force
that transcends national, cultural, and ideological borders, and also just a fun
diversion from work (like when he had a meeting with Obama and was scheduled to
play basketball as a break). This
question brought out Prendergast’s humor and easygoing personality, while
providing a glimpse into his diverse and influential network of colleagues. All
in all, the event was a highly inspirational experience, and one that benefited all of us.
After the lunch, it took days to shake off the adrenaline
rush that came from meeting John Prendergast.
His passion about the plethora of issues he works on is infectious, and
it was truly uplifting to see that his excitement has not faded after all of
these years. I am sincerely grateful for
opportunities like this one, and hopeful for more of them; they are part of
what makes the Global Scholars Program so valuable.
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